M.A.C All About Orange collection - products

The season’s hottest shade: Orange! This bold, vibrant and energetic color is everywhere! To honor this summer hit, M.A.C has launched, 5 days ago, a complete collection that is entirely dedicated to the trend: All About orange!

M.A.C All About Orange collection - all products

The collection is a big succes. I managed to get a few products to show you before everything is gone. I’m really happy with my new products!

Powder Blush – Royal Sunset

M.A.C All About Orange collection - Powder Blush - Royal SunsetM.A.C All About Orange collection - Powder Blush - Royal Sunset

What a nice peach! It gives a beautiful glow to my cheeks!

Available in two other shades on the collection – $25 CDN / $21 US

Nail Lacquer – Sweet Pop

M.A.C All About Orange collection - Nail Lacquer - Sweet Pop

The perfect peach for nails and toes. I love the cream finish. It will for sure be my favorite nail polish this summer.

Available in three other shades on the collection – $19 CDN / $16 US

Lustre Lipstick – Tart & Trendy

M.A.C All About Orange collection - Lustre Lipstickk - Tart & TrendyM.A.C All About Orange collection - Lustre Lipstickk - Tart & Trendy

This orangy color can almost bring back the sun on rainy days! Are you tired? Try it and you will run to work! 😉

Available in six other shades on the collection – $18 CDN / $15 US

CremeSheen Glass – Rising Sun

M.A.C All About Orange collection - CremeSheen Glass - Rising Sun

M.A.C All About Orange collection - CremeSheen Glass - Rising Sun

My favorite item on the collection!

It gives the right amount of coral on the lips with lots of shine.

Available in two other shades on the collection – $23 CDN / $20 US

Do you like orange? Will you wear it this summer?

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